Health and Safety Awareness

A comprehensive introduction to all aspects of health and safety suitable for anyone employed in any care setting


What you will cover

  • Introduction to health and safety in a care setting.
  • Causes of accidents and injuries at work, sudden illness and near misses.
  • Responsibilities, reporting and laws.How health and safety is managed
  • Risk assessment - assessing and mitigating risks
  • Controlling and managing risk with hazardous substances- COSHH and PPE .
  • First Aid
  • Equipment Safety
  • Hazards in a care setting including: manual handling, bed rails, slips trips and falls, fire safety, medication, hot water and surfaces, window restrictions, infection prevention and control, violence and aggression, asbestos, radon
  • Ventilation, heating , Legionnaires disease
  • Safety when outside , Access to premises
  • Vehicles used for work
  • Workplace welfare- signs and tips for work related stress
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